Tsunami Adjustor Paddle

The Tsunami strategy of 'making products to fit you' rather than 'you fit the product' continues to enable you to be the best that you can be.
The whitewater fraternity have enjoyed the benefits of this type of adaptor for a while now.....proving them to be durable and useful. So ...Tsunami has decided to add them as an option on the high end fibreglass and carbon fibre paddle range. No longer buy a top end waveski paddle and get stuck with something which is not quite right.

Tsunami Adjustor Paddle Benefits
- Paddle can be split in half for transport or shipping.
- Length adjustment of 100mm (4")
- Paddle offset is fully adjustable 0-360 degrees. (No more wondering.)
- Easy adjustment
- Strong and Reliable.
- Never wonder or worry if your paddle is too long or too short - Adjust it on the spot, on the beach or in the water.
- 30mm paddle shafts. (thin and easy to grip, lightweight)
Additional benefits we have found.
1.Adjustment of blade angle for lessoning tendonitus...as strain increases in a long surf session one can progressively change the angle to ease the strain on your wrists
2. If the wind strengthens whilst in the surf you can adjust the blade angle on the fly to make paddling in a gale easier.
3. When surfing for some length of time..(2-5 hours) we find as we get more fatigued rolling ability can get challenged, so we adjust the paddle out in length..extend the paddle and gain instantly more leverage to assist a tired body in rolling towards the end of the surf.
4. Other options which can help....Adjust more length into the paddle when in big surf.. on a big wave it doesn't get in the way... but in small surf adjust shorter to fit into the smaller wave/tube size and for quicker side to side moves etc..
As you all know things do change in the surf when you are out .. it is a real bonus to be able to adjust your paddle to fit the circumstances you meet out in the surf.
NB...Replacement blades and adaptors available on request. If by chance junior decides to play cricket with your blades. |